Sensu is the new kid on the block for systems monitoring and metrics. It can page you if your site is down, warn you about your bloated database, kick off a tweetfest and make your coffee. That's because Sensu provides the monitoring services and you tell it what to report on and where to send the reports. This session introduced the Sensu architecture with an eye on how it can be useful for busy Drupal administrators. P.S. Did we mention Sensu can reuse Nagios plugins?
Mentioned during the talk:
- Sensu
- foodfight podcast featuring Sensu. Interview portion definitely worth a listen (start at 10:10)
- Sensu documentation
- RabbitMQ and AMQP
- Drupal module to send Drupal watchdog events to Sensu
- Eventmachine and Reactor design pattern
- Sensu Dashboard
- Puppet module for Sensu
Should have mentioned:
- Sensu Admin, a more fully-featured UI to Sensu than Sensu Dashboard
screen capture: